Marriyum announces commission for probing Imran’s foreign conspiracy drama

ISLAMABAD, May 05 (APP):Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb on Thursday said the government decided to constitute an inquiry commission to probe the foreign conspiracy drama orchestrated by Imran Khan in a bid to protect his front person Farah Gogi who did massive corruption, particularly in Punjab during fascist, autocratic, corrupt and incompetent rule of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Terms of Reference (ToRs) and head of the independent and impartial inquiry commission would be announced after the next Federal Cabinet meeting, Marriyum told a news conference wherein it was revealed as to how Imran Khan weaved a conspiracy against the country to save his “benami” Farah Gogi.

The minister said, the commission would justly determine the main character behind the foreign conspiracy drama which she, however, believed was Imran Khan.

The inquiry report would be made public so that the people would know as to how “anti-state” Imran caused irreversible damage to the country under “Gogi Bachao Tehreek” (Save the Gogi Movement).

She made it clear that the head of the commission would be a person whose credibility could not be challenged by anyone including the “group of conspirator”.

“It is high time for bringing the politics of allegation and lies to an end. The inquiry report will be put before the public and those who used to hurl allegations on others will be taken to the court,” she said while announcing action against the PTI leadership involved in harming the national interest.

Highlighting the reasons behind the foreign plot drama, she said over Rs 840 million were transferred in 44 bank accounts most of which were opened in Punjab in the name of Farah Gogi. 200 kanals of land in Gujranwala and along the route of Ring Road, Rawalpindi was sold and purchased by Imran’s front person during the PTI tenure.

She said there was plenty evidence of massive financial irregularities committed by Imran and his front persons while establishing the Al-Qadir University in the name of Riyasat-e-Medina.

Curtain on foreign conspiracy drama would fall once and for all when all the evidence of corruption committed by Imran through her front person Farah Gogi would be put before the public, she added.

The minister said Imran Khan and his team was striving hard to protect Farah Gogi and now announced a series of public gatherings under “Gogi Bachao Tehreek” to harp on the so-called foreign conspiracy mantra.

“You [Imran] cannot shift the debate on your incompetency with drama of conspiracy and you cannot fool the nation anymore,” she said, adding the PTI would fail to build narrative on the so-called foreign conspiracy once the inquiry report released.

To a query, she said Imran would be provided security for the public gatherings where he was scheduled to address, but he should better inform the nation in those gatherings about his incompetency, loot, plunder and corruption.

The minister said the Transparency International Report also exposed colossal corruption during the tenure of PTI government.

The country score on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) was 33 out of 100 and it was ranked 117 during 2018. The country’s ranking jumped to 140 in CPI 2021 report due to the corruption-marred rule of Imran wherein Gogi served as his front person.

She termed the report an international certificate for the thieves who, she alleged, stole precious gifts from Tosha Khana and looted the national treasury.

Marriyum said “Gogi Bachao Tehreek” was in fact launched out of the fear of PM Shehbaz Sharif’s performance. “They are afraid of PM Shehbaz Sharif who has provided relief to the masses within three weeks by reducing the prices of food items, reviving stalled projects and ending the load shedding.”

She said the PTI leadership knew that the people would soon start asking Imran as to why he failed to fulfill his promises of providing five million houses to the masses and massive job opportunities.

The masses had finally heaved a sigh of relief after ouster of Imran Khan as their new PM Shehbaz Sharif cared for only one thing and that was their welfare, progress and prosperity, she noted.

The minister said the PTI leadership, which sold the Kashmir and the country’s foreign policy, shut down multiple power plants by suspending China Pakistan Economic Corridor project and made angry to the friendly countries, now resorted to lies by tweeting old report of foreign media which hinted at the finalization of an agreement between Pakistan and the United States for use of the former’s airspace by latter.

She chided the PTI leadership for giving a false impression on the matter and clarified that the report was published in October 2021.

The tweet was made by the same “group of conspirators” who was running “Gogi Bachao Tehreek” with full throttle.

The country’s foreign policy and sovereignty, she said, would not be compromised under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Shehabaz Sharif who was working vigorously for prosperity and development of Pakistan.

Marriyum also cited the remarks made by Imran in a talk show the other day and said he was right that there was a difference between democracy and monarchy.

The nation was forced to buy wheat flour, sugar, medicine and electricity at exorbitant rates during the fascist and autocratic rule of Imran Khan, while now prices of the essential items were brought down by PM Shehbaz Sharif who was passionate to provide relief to the people, she said, adding “this was the difference between a selected and elected prime minister.”

Prices of wheat flour reduced within three weeks in democracy, while cartels and mafias were patronized in monarchy, she said while highlighting extremely high prices of staple food, medicine and electricity during the tenure of PTI government.

The minister said fascist and autocratic Imran closed down power plants for benefiting the cartels and mafia, whereas all those plants were made functional by Shehbaz Sharif who was elected as Prime Minister with the votes of people.

Marriyum said the elected PM Shehbaz Sharif focused on providing relief to the masses by reducing prices of food items and ending load shedding while a selected one only care about the movement of saving “Gogi”.

She also took Imran to the task for patronizing the cartels and mafia, creating massive unemployment, promoting nepotism and incompetency during his rule.

Imran Khan imposed Farah Gogi on visionless and powerless former Chief Minister Punjab Usman Buzdar.

The minister said Usman Buzdar was not removed from office of CM Punjab despite severe criticism for bad governance in the largest province because Imran Khan wanted Farah Gogi as defacto chief minister.

In Punjab, Imran’s “benami” was Farah Gogi, while in centre, it was Shehzad Akbar who was running asset making unit in the prime minister office, she said while asking Imran not to lecture the current government on meritocracy.

She said those whose rule was marred by unprecedented nepotism, inflation, corruption and incompetency was asking for accountability of the rule which was in its third week.