Earth Day celebrated to seek more awareness among masses to conserve earth resources

ISLAMABAD, Apr 22 (APP):The World Earth Day despite Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated across the country on Saturday seeking more awareness among the masses to conserve the earth and its natural resources facing extreme pressure threats due to global warming and climate change.

The United Nations calls the event ‘International Mother Earth Day’. This year’s theme was continued as the important theme for a second year “Invest In Our Planet”.

The Earth Day is usually celebrated with outdoor performances, where individuals or groups perform acts of service to Earth.

Typical ways of observing Earth Day include planting trees, picking up roadside trash, conducting various programs for recycling and conservation, and using recyclable containers for snacks and lunches.

Some people are encouraged to sign petitions to governments, calling for stronger or immediate action to stop global warming and reverse environmental destruction. Television stations frequently air programs dealing with environmental issues.

The April 22 Earth Day, founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, was first organized in 1970 to promote ecology and respect for life on the planet as well as to encourage awareness of the growing problems of air, water, and soil pollution.

Some people prefer to observe Earth Day around the time of the March equinox. In 1978, American anthropologist Margaret Mead added her support for the equinox Earth Day, founded by John McConnell. She stated that the selection of the March Equinox for Earth Day made planetary observance of a shared event possible.

Like other parts of the world, World Earth Day was also observed across Azad Jammu & Kashmir on Saturday to raise awareness among the masses about the diverse causes of the negative impacts on the planet in different.

In Mirpur, a simple but impressive ceremony to observe Earth Day was hosted in a local institute in view of Eid where speakers called for making the masses acquainted with the knowledge about the earth including the effects, the planet suffers in different forms.

The college students, on this occasion, were apprised, through models of the importance of water, hills, wild lives and deserts for human life and the measures to keep them intact in natural form without resorting to any harm to these natural resources.

Speakers emphasized on this occasion that the natural resources could be raised only through securing the earth – so that coming generations could be furnished with the gift of natural beauty, they added.

Mohammad Naeem Qureshi National Forum for Environment and Health on the Day said, “Today is also Eid and World Earth Day. This day is celebrated every year to protect the earth and raise awareness against the environment. Our country is also under serious environmental problems.”

“On this day, try to play our individual and collective role for the betterment of the environment. Plant trees because they produce oxygen and have great power to fight environmental pollution. Promote alternative energy, reduce plastic use, avoid littering and save energy.”

The Institute of Urbanism an Islamabad based think tank also shared special message on the occasion advocating the masses to take steps to protect the earth through water and waste management, investment in green and sustainable infrastructure.